Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Font Image Generators

Alright, so from the four sites, I like the " Generators" ( and the "Make Your Own Sign Generator" ( The JellyMuffin one was very simple, which made it easy to use. The Make Your Own one was a little more complex, but it allowed a lot more variety, since you can use you own photos. All in all, I'd say I like the JellyMuffin one, just because less can go wrong with it.

Monday, July 7, 2008

RSS and Newsreaders

I really like the idea that I don't have to go to sites just to check for updates anymore. Why didn't anyone inform me of this earlier? It's very efficient and easy, which helps a lot when you have a tight schedule (like most working men and women have). Of course, that's not to say students don't have their tight schedules as well. With all the homework and projects, it good to know that there will still be time to check for updates on my favourite sites!

fd's Flickr Toys

I liked fd's Flickr Toys the best because there were a variety of crafts that could be produced from it. This is a great way to make house decorations, as well as a gift idea (not that I'm cheap or something). There were also some interesting activities to do.

Flickr Photos-School

This is David Thomson Secondary's main entrance. All our main events are posted on the blue sign. Not much to say here, since I don't use this entrance much. Why? Because it's difficult to get through the crowd that gathers there right before the bell rings.

This is the side entrance. It leads directly to our gymnasium and vending machines. I use this entrance everyday, coming and going. Not only is it conveniently close to the vending machine, but it is also rarely crowded in the morning who cares about getting home early >=]). A garbage can is normally outside as well.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


So, I decided to add some information under "Carbon Emissions". I've done a report and an essay on the broad topic of climate change, which is why I selected the topic. I described how carbon emissions have been increasing over the years, and the result of that in the future. The topic affects everyone in the world, so I thought that it would be a good idea to explain to others how carbon emissions are harming us. Unfortunately, there was a lot of information already post, so I had to make due with what I had that Wiki didn't. Since Wiki is so widely used by people, I think that information about world issues that students need to be aware of can be effectively spread using Wiki. We are the future after all.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners

I find that Habit #7 is the easiest for me because I find studying with another person helps me understand whatever I'm studying better. This makes it much easier than just memorizing something from a book. I treat the questions asked when I'm helping someone as a test, to see whether I get it or not.

What is Web 2.0 to me?

I say that Web 2.0 is a reformatted version of Web 1.0 (pretty obvious) that is able to link with hypertext. It uses XML rather than HTML, which can seperate form and content.